Nature of Globalization and Interconnectedness of World

Nature of Globalization and Interconnectedness of World Details: Your task is to research a city (other than Dubai) in the world that is responding to globalization and the interconnectedness of the world.

Nature of Globalization and Interconnectedness of World
Nature of Globalization and Interconnectedness of World

You should look at areas such as tourism, air travel, finance and business, political system, environmental sustainability, and any other sub-topic that you believe fits with your chosen city’s response to globalization.

Nature of Globalization and Interconnectedness of World Study

Present your findings from two perspectives: What the city has done or is currently doing? How are they accomplishing this? Globalization can be studied from a variety of areas including; financial, economic, technological, political, cultural, ecological, sociological, and geographic. These perspectives are key to your presentation of your chosen city.

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