Neurological Cancer Effects on Chemotherapeutic Agents

Neurological Cancer Effects on Chemotherapeutic Agents Order Instructions: Discuss 2 areas of your practice that require some improvement related to monitoring, verifying, and/or documenting cumulative doses of chemotherapy.

Neurological Cancer Effects on Chemotherapeutic Agents
Neurological Cancer Effects on Chemotherapeutic Agents

2. How might you suggest these improvements be developed and implemented in your practice/facility?

Neurological Cancer Effects on Chemotherapeutic Agents Sample Answer

Chemotherapeutic agents are associated with numerous side effects, linked to the agent’s potency causing them to be toxic. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the patient receives exact dosing so that to maximize the benefits of the medical regimen without causing harm to them. In my healthcare facility, there have been few mortality rates that have been associated with unintentional overdoses. This calls for extra safety measures (Thomas, 2013).

One of the area  of nursing practice that requires improvement  compulsory conducting the independent double check, this is because  running checks  creates a risk  that the two individuals will perform the same mistake. Secondly, there is a need to prohibit the acceptance of verbal orders for chemotherapy drugs. This is because when passing information from one healthcare provider to another, there is a chance that the person receiving the order may misinterpret the message, and there is a chance that the order may be forgotten.  The healthcare facility must  implement this strategy as accepting verbal  instruct    ions  impedes the quality management strategy including  monitoring, verification and documentation of the cumulative  doses of the chemotherapy (Thomas, 2013).

These improvements can be established and implemented effectively. This can be achieved by establishing a clear vision in regards to the change process. The outcomes of the proposed changes must be measured and evaluated. This is important because it helps determine if the proposed interventions have achieved its purposes or not.  It is important to record the emerging challenges during the implementation process, to   ensure that they do not re-emerge in the future, and to ensure that new administration system runs the proposed quality interventions in a proper way (Edmonstone, 2010).

Neurological Cancer Effects on Chemotherapeutic Agents References

Edmonstone, J. (2010). A new approach to project managing change. Br J Healthcare Management, 16(5), 225-230.

Thomas, A. (2013). Neurological adverse effects of cancer chemotherapy. Adverse Drug Reaction Bulletin, 278(1), 1071-1074.


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