Non Verbal Communication Literature Review Literature Review (600 words) and Close Analysis (400 words)Literature Review

This task requires you to undertake scholarly (or peer-reviewed) research about:
• Non-verbal Communication
Your literature review, which is a survey of scholarship on a certain area/subject, should be formatted in 3-4 paragraphs, drawing from your sources using select quotation or paraphrasing, and referencing the sources you use appropriately.
Non Verbal Communication Literature Review Discussion
You might, for example, focus on a specific theoretical concept highlighted in your readings (other than intertextuality, which will be the focus of the example provided), or your focus might be broader. You might use a point from your textbook to lead into your discussion, but the main focus of this task is scholarly research beyond the prescribed reading. You should expect to spend a substantial amount of time reading widely in a relevant area(s), and you will not necessarily be able to use every source you look at – this is the very nature of research!
Close Analysis
This task requires you to construct a close semiotic or textual analysis of one particular advertisement. Non Verbal Communication Literature Review Drawing on relevant theoretical concepts, interpret and critique the meaning(s) promoted by your chosen text in 2-3 paragraphs, and acknowledge any sources used appropriately.
Non Verbal Communication Literature Review and Conducting a Close Analysis
• As with the literature review, the main purpose of this exercise is to develop the skills highlighted – there is no single way you might approach your analysis, but you should ensure it is grounded in, and informed by, relevant theoretical concepts from the unit
• Don’t try to do too much in your analysis – you won’t be able to discuss everything you can think of, so choose what seems most important!
• You must interpret and critique the meaning(s) promoted in your text by showing how the text constructs its message(s) – this doesn’t necessarily mean you must find negative messages to criticise; you may well find a text that puts forward positive ideas
• Keep description to a minimum – summarise the advertisement as briefly as possible.
• Using relevant concepts explicitly will help ensure you provide an analysis rather than just a descriptive summary of your chosen text’s features Non Verbal Communication Literature Review
• You should reference your advertisement the first time you mention it in your passage and each time you quote directly from it thereafter
• You need to reference any sources beyond the text you are analysing – the focus here is your analysis (but you must acknowledge any ideas that are taken from elsewhere!) Non Verbal Communication Literature Review