One Day Menu Market Basket Assignment

One Day Menu Market Basket Assignment Your task is to develop a one-day menu for three people (yourself and your two children) with the allotted $13 per day from Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

One Day Menu Market Basket Assignment
One Day Menu Market Basket Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to place you in the shoes of a low-income individual, and in so doing, discover how difficult it can be to prepare menus and meals that are interesting, nutritious and within the allotted budget.
You will price out items at a grocery store and then using the items you purchased to plan a ONE DAY meal using the food you priced that meets the Daily Recommended Intake (DRI) for the nutrients specified. For menu ideas, be sure to use this resource, particularly pages 14-17: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

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