Philosophy on Restoration of Caveat Emptor

Philosophy on Restoration of Caveat Emptor In matters of product safety, there has been a movement in law and social attitudes away from the traditional view about where the chief responsibility should rest, namely with consumers, a view expressed by caveat emptor/”Buyer beware“.

Philosophy on Restoration of Caveat Emptor
Philosophy on Restoration of Caveat Emptor

But there is nothing wrong with expecting that people be informed buyers and responsible for their choices. So, shouldn’t caveat emptor be restored as the main principle in these matters? Discuss.


  1. Multinationals: What are some main ways in which a multinational corporation is likely to benefit its host country and/or some main ways in which it is likely to harm it? What policies exist or should be adopted to maximize the benefits and minimize the harms?


  1. Free trade has often been regarded as the best and fairest thing for all countries concerned. But the general idea or specific agreements — and specific agreements to promote it, such as NAFTA and the TPP — are often viewed in an opposite way, as unfair or somehow against a country’s economic interests. Discuss and illustrate some essentials in these opposed views and argue for one view or the other ñ or for some clear compromise if that is possible

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