Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984

Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 How effective is PACE (Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984) Code of Practice D in preventing mistaken identifications, and how effective is it enforced by the courts?

Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984
Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984

1. Answer the question relevantly and appropriately.
2. Make reference to and discuss in relation to the question at least 2 sources of academic research.
3. Discuss at least two cases in relation to the question. These may be used to establish a legal point or to illustrate a point about criminal
investigation (for example, how certain police practices may result in misleading evidence), or both. It is not enough to simply cite a case, you must also
explain its relevance.
4. Write clearly and succinctly. You have the normal 10% word allowance (ie. a maximum of 550 words excluding the title and reference list).
5. Include clear citation and a reference list for all sources used
Before writing your answer please watch the following:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPvGadHulSE and

And read the following:
Sanders et al (2017) Criminal Justice (4th edition), Oxford University Press (pages 343 – 350) and/or A. Choo, Evidence (4th ed. OUP 2012) Ch. 6
Lauren O’Neill Shermer, Karen C. Rose and Ashley Hoffman (2011) Perceptions and Credibility: Understanding the Nuances of Eyewitness Testimony, Journal of
Contemporary Criminal Justice 27: 183 (attached)
PACE Revised Code of Practice D, sections 1-3 and Annexes A-E. Law students will find this in their Statute books; it is also available online at:
note: this is a mini-assessment essay and the word limit is 500words, should not exceed 550words minus the reference and should be referenced using OSCOLA

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