Political Analysis of the Great Strategists Part 1:
Length: Initial Post 250-400 words on EACH of four people you select
For this writing/research assignment, you are to independently research the following individuals in history who may rightfully claim some aptitude, if not genius, for strategy (and tactics).

Please choose four of the following six people to research. Since the purpose of this exercise is to learn something new,
please opt for those persons with whom you are least familiar. You are to utilize both online and traditional methods of research.
Sun Tzu
Robert E. Lee
Erwin Rommel
Karl Rove
Steve Jobs
Nicco Machiavelli
Political Analysis of the Great Strategists Analysis Requirements
At a minimum, your commentary, where possible, should include the following:
A maximum of three statements as to why this person could be considered a brilliant strategist.
A reference to a book or treatise authored by this person or statements made.
A famous quote associated with this person.
Your opinion—based on reason and fact-as to why this person should or should not be included in a survey of “Great Strategists.”
A list of source(s) used.
Click the hyperlinks provided below for a review on how to acknowledge sources and make bibliographic listings for both print publications and web citations.
Note: Wikipedia should not be used as either the primary or sole source in research assignments.
The Chicago Style Citation Quick Guide. This website provides two ways of making citations. You are free to choose either one, the important thing is your
sources are acknowledged properly.
Part 2: 3 pages
Using information from the Almanac of American Politics, campaign and official websites, and/or any other respectable source, prepare an analysis memorandum
of a presidential candidate match-up. Assume the Republican presidential primaries in 2016 produced one of two different nominees and that the Democrat
presidential primaries in 2016 produced one of two nominees. Pick one of the match-ups below as your focus of review and analysis.
Pick only one possible combination to analyze:
Chris Christie v Hilary Clinton
Marco Rubio v. Hilary Clinton
Marco Rubio v. Joe Biden
Chris Christie v. Joe Biden
Your analysis should use the Leesburg Grid template as your principal tool for assessing this potential race. In developing your memo, you should also
include a Leesburg Grid which must be annotated with each candidate’s perceived strengths and weaknesses. As part of this analysis, include:
Your assessment of their respective real strengths and weaknesses.
Any insights from past races.
Your assessment of the most significant potential issue contrast.
Your forecast of the likely winner of this match-up.
While your memo is arguably an exercise in speculation, the challenge is to use facts to support your claims. Don’t hesitate to reference past statements or
positions made by either of these individuals to illustrate your points.
This writing exercise should demonstrate:
Your research capabilities.
An understanding of the Leesburg Grid analysis.
Your capacity to write a fact-based analysis.
Part 3: 4 pages
You just graduated from the political science program and you are seeking employment on a campaign. For the purpose of this assignment and to allow ample
time for this scenario to play out, the year is 2013. A friend who works at a Hollywood talent agency sends you the following email message:
Hey (your name):
I just heard from one of our senior partners that one of our clients, Harrison Ford (the actor has a second home in Austin, Texas), is thinking about running
against Senator John Cornyn. My boss has been asked to conduct a quick search of individuals capable of serving as this candidate’s director of research.
Can you write a memo outlining your thoughts on what will be required in terms of research for this race. For you to be considered, we would need your memo
ASAP. Thanks.
Your friend,
Joe Entertainment
Hollywood Talent Agency
Political Analysis of the Great Strategists Assignment Instructions
Using information from the Almanac of American Politics or other respectable sources, prepare a memorandum that demonstrates:
Your knowledge of Senator John Cornyn.
An understanding of the Texas electoral landscape.
Most importantly, a detailed discussion of all of the types of research you think a Harrison Ford campaign will need to undertake if he decides to becomes a
Don’t hesitate to raise questions that may make this professional actor uncomfortable but which you believe will need to be addressed before an announcement
of candidacy. This request has come to you today and you have been told Harrison Ford wants to announce in 90 days or so. Do your best to outline a timetable
for the research activities you would recommend Mr. Ford should take in a pre-announcement stage. The objective is to provide aroad map on how this possible
candidate should manage his research resources.
In developing your memo, you should also address the following:
The candidate’s real and perceived strengths and weaknesses.
The incumbent’s real and perceived strengths and weaknesses..
Any lessons from past Cornyn races?
The potential issue landscape.
The impact of the past presidential election.
While your memo is arguably an exercise in speculation, the challenge is to use facts to support your claims. Don’t hesitate to reference past statements
made by either of these individuals to illustrate your advice or suggestions.
Part 4: 1000 words
For the purpose of this assignment assume the year is 2015. You have been the director of communications at the RNC for last two years and are leaving your
position in February, 2015. You are now in search of a job and looking for a horse in the next Presidential contest: 2016. Among the possible contenders are
the following (click on names for a more detailed explanation):
Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey
Former Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich of Georgia
Former Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania
Former Governor of Alaska and Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin
Senator Ted Cruz of Texas
Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana
Senator Marco Rubio of Florida
Pick one and write a memo to him or her providing strategic advice. The objective is to provide a plan on how your candidate should spend his or her
resources (friends, time, money, media commentary, etc.) over the next two years – 2015 and 2016.
Please consult the Almanac of American Politics or another reputable source to read up on your chosen contender. It will be necessary to comment on the
candidate’s personal background, political history, past statements, among others. Most importantly, you need to discuss what aspects of the candidate’s
present profile need to be enhanced or diminished to better position his or her candidacy.
Assume the Following:
Hillary Clinton is running as the presumptive the Democrat nominee.
The House is in Republican control and the Senate is Democrat control.
Your memo should address the following key elements in developing any serious campaign plan:
The candidate’s perceived strengths and weaknesses.
Likely primary opponents and their strengths and weaknesses.
Lessons of 2012 primary election.
The 2016 primary calendar.
The issue landscape.
The impact of President Obama’s two terms in office.
As a speculative analysis, your memo must be a broad outline. This said, as a communications plan, it should comment on all of the necessary communication
tactics your candidate should take to prepare for a run for the presidency.
As a general guide, I suggest this memo be no less than 1,000 words and include some type of timeline starting in February of 2015 and lasting until August
of 2016.