Private Prisons Vs Public Prisons in the United States

Private Prisons Vs Public Prisons in the United States I need an essay about private prisons vs public prisons in the United States.

Private Prisons Vs Public Prisons in the United States
Private Prisons Vs Public Prisons in the United States

I would like you to mention the differences between them mentioning a lot of details and facts and statistics ( security, isolation, cost, treatment of the prisoners, quality of the jails, etc) I would you to use 4 accredited sources in the say only from accredited politicians, historians and I would really recommend university websites for the information. The year 2016 was a wild one for the private prison industry.
During the presidential election campaign, the Democratic challengers both called for an end to private prisons. The leader in the industry announced it would lay off 12 percent of headquarters staff.

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