R v Cornejo and the Ontario Court of Appeal Decision

R v Cornejo and the Ontario Court of Appeal Decision The case is R. v. Cornejo, and it can be found on the CanLII site. The citation for the case is 2003 CanLII 26893. Make sure you are reading the Ontario Court of Appeal decision.

R v Cornejo and the Ontario Court of Appeal Decision
R v Cornejo and the Ontario Court of Appeal Decision

Once you have found and read the case, prepare a 4 – 5 page typed summary, using the following headings:

  1. Facts
  2. Issues – (i.e. the legal issues that the court identified)
  3. Reasons for Decision – (i.e. how and why the court decided the case the way it did)

You will notice that the appeal court disagreed with the decision of the trial court. Identify where and how the trial judge was in error and how the appeal court decision differed from the trial judge’s approach. Which approach do you prefer?

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