Reader in American History Key Terms and Concepts

Reader in American History Key Terms and Concepts Step One (Read):

Reader in American History Key Terms and Concepts
Reader in American History Key Terms and Concepts

SELECT and READ one essay from HISTORY 2610 reader.

  1. What is the GIST of the supplementary article?
  2. HIGHLIGHT/ISOLATE (key terms and concepts as they relate to the questions asked)
  3. NARROW each down into its essential points.

Step Two (Introduction):

Start the writing and thinking process:

  1. Who wrote it?
  2. What are its central themes?
  3. Why was it written?
  4. What lessons can be learned from it?

Step Three (Body):

  1. CONVERT questions into whole paragraphs.
  2. CITE evidence as needed to bolster your position.

Step Four (Conclusion):

  1. RESTATE crux of document (in a few sentences)
  2. ANSWER the question …So what? In other words, what is the big deal concerning this reading? Why is it important to read and ponder?
  • 12-pt font
  • double-spaced
  • at least 1,000 words

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