Response to Article on Project Management

Response to Article on Project Management Order Instructions: The writer will have to read each of this articles and react to them by commenting, analyzing and supporting with relevant articles. The writer will have to read carefully before giving constructive comments on the article. The writer should write a one page paper responding to each article making it 2 pages for the two articles with intext citations.

Response to Article on Project Management
Response to Article on Project Management

APA and in text citation must be use as each respond to the two articles must have in text citations. The writer will have to use an article to supports his comments in each of the article. Address the content of each article below in a one page each, analysis and evaluation of the topic, as well as the integration of relevant resources.
The writer will respond by addressing one or more of the following summative considerations that pertain specifically to this papers topics:

• In what ways do the readings provided below and those identified by you and this articles answer important “ so what?” questions in the field of project management?
o How are these readings potentially valuable for research in the field?

• Are there any important gaps (i.e., contradictions, arguments, disagreements, or areas of divergence) within this set of readings that point to potential topics for future research?

o How would you follow up to extend or explore these gaps?

It is important that the writer respond to both articles in two separate pages with pear review articles as stated above.

Response to Article on Project Management Sample Answer

Article 1.

Excellent study!  Organization project management (OPM), is a platform that defines the company portfolios, programs and projects. OPM is the primary factor that ensures that projects align with the company’s long term strategic plan and that the projects undertaken by the firm are supervised and managed as a single entity and does not interfere with each other.

Project management is one of the factors that leads to an organization growth and development. To have a successful project, the firm must integrate its culture, innovation, organization structure, strategic plans and the portfolio management. In addition, the shareholders must be the ones spearheading the projects process by overseeing the top management responsibilities and how they are able to communicate the process or the development of the project within the company, (Kerzner, pg.87, 2013).

For the project to be successful, the company must come up with a good budget that aims to finance the project to completion.This goes hand in hand with the shareholders defining on how the project is to be financed and the project proposed must be congruent with the company’s vision and its long term strategic objectives and goals.

Project managers should seek consensus on the selection of the projects, discussion from the company ideas through the innovative processes to the completion of the project. This do include the pre development of the project, development activities and commercialization activities of an individual project.

Companies must create an innovative environment within the organization. This helps the employees to be part of new implementation of the company process and it also encourages new ways of thinking and hence new skills are innovated. Without this platform, any implementation of company changes may lead to the failure of the company’s projects since the employees have not brought up to speed with the processes.

Article 2.

All projects that are launched by companies do not meet all the necessary success criteria. Most of them are affected by the customers’ taste and preferences and if it fails to align with their needs, the project may fail. It is argued that having chaotic requirements and constructions reworks in between the project life cycle, the project definitely fails.

Company projects that have a good starting point, well organized and planned stages, and a forecasted end point are believed to be successful. When the firm has a credible project that is well organized and planned and there is the stakeholders’ intervention from the start point to end point, the project is forecasted to be successful.

To ensure this, the top management must take into consideration the project schedule, project scope, support from the top managers, support of the customers, tasks that are technical, acceptance by the clients, monitoring and feedback, communication and trouble shooting. For this to happen, the company should consider the hand off process that ensure the project transition from the inception-to-order, (ITO). In addition, integration of all the aspects of project management should be exercised in order to guarantee a successful project.

The company top management needs to implement flexible and durable changes that aims to meet the company long term objectives and goals. The company will have to implement changes like stage gate model that will help the project manager to be able to scope the project, build the business case for the product, design the project, testing and validating the product and finally taking the product to the operation phase.

Response to Article on Project Management References

Kerzner, H. R. (2013). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.

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