Responsibilities and Privileges of Leaders

Responsibilities and Privileges of Leaders Analyze the responsibilities and privileges of leaders, including ethical and moral decisions and the use of authority and power.describing the various components that comprise the main aspects of the required readings.

Responsibilities and Privileges of Leaders
Responsibilities and Privileges of Leaders

Please include details on what your readings covered and provide ideas and opinions on the overall content in the readings. Provide examples where appropriate and express opinions with research to substantiate. To substantiate your opinions you are encouraged

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Northouse, P. (2016). Leadership: Theory and practice. (7th Edition). Sage Publications, Inc.. Scanning headlines, popular literature, and reflecting upon what my colleagues and I experience on a daily basis, I am struck by how many leaders (managers included) have seem to either have forgotten, never learned, or are too self-absorbed to get it. It, being the Golden Rule of leadership: Leading others is a privilege that is earned, not a right.

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