Reuven and Dannys Religious Practices in the Chosen

Reuven and Dannys Religious Practices in the Chosen Compare and contrast of Reuven and Danny’s religious practices in The Chosen

Reuven and Dannys Religious Practices in the Chosen
Reuven and Dannys Religious Practices in the Chosen

Compare and contrast of Reuven and Danny’s respective faith traditions in The Chosen. Two similarities. Two differences. Then reflect on which parts you admire.  1941. Brooklyn, New York. Reuven Malter (Barry Miler) and Danny Saunders (Robby Benson) are on opposite teams in a baseball game. As the competition heats up, Danny hits the ball directly at Reuven, the pitcher; his glasses shatter and one of his eyes is cut. At the hospital, Danny tries to apologize, but Reuven — convinced that he’ll never see out of the eye again — refuses the gesture.

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