The 7Ps of Marketing Mix of Services

The 7Ps of Marketing Mix of Services Module 3 Assignment 2

The 7Ps of Marketing Mix of Services
The 7Ps of Marketing Mix of Services
  • Cite this article in the text Bhasin, H. (2017, December 15). Service Marketing Mix – 7Ps of the marketing mix – Marketing mix of Services.

The detailed summary should be 300 words in length that uses current APA style and format.

Write a detailed summary of the Services Marketing Mix.

Also, share your thoughts regarding the appropriateness of using the 7Ps of Services Marketing for Goods Marketing  It’s an unbreakable rule of business that if you want to get customers, you have to market yourself. Marketing can seem like a chore when you have many other things to do but it’s important that you do it, and you do it well.

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