The Art of Diversity Critique Paper

The Art of Diversity Critique Paper For your first paper in English 200: The Art of Diversity, you are going to do a formal critique on one of the readings from one of the chapters on diversity
in the back of the Dialogues: An Argument Rhetoric and Reader.

The Art of Diversity Critique Paper
The Art of Diversity Critique Paper

These are Chapters 11, 12, 15, & 16. If you do not have your text yet due to the
bookstore’s flood, you may choose your article from a scholarly database such as JSTOR. The article must be about issues regarding diversity from a peer-
reviewed source. Each student will be presenting one to the class.
Here are some guidelines for writing a Critique Paper:
· Introduce both the passage under analysis and its author. Provide background on both.
· Summarize the author’s main points with the passage.
· Assess the presentation:
o Is the information accurate?
o Is the information significant?
o Has the author defined terms clearly?
o Has the author used and interpreted information fairly?
o Has the author argued logically?
· Then, respond to the presentation:
o With which views do you agree?
o With which views do you disagree?
o Discuss your reasons for agreement and disagreement, tying these reasons to assumptions – both the authors and your own.
o Where necessary, draw upon outside sources to support your ideas.
· Finally, conclude. State your conclusions about the overall validity of the piece.
o Asses the author’s success in achieving his or her aims and your reactions to the author’s views.
o Remind the reader of the weaknesses and strengths of the passage.
Please use the proper MLA conventions for this paper, include in-text citations of quotes, summaries, and paraphrases. Please also include a proper Work
Cited list. This paper should be a minimum of three pages in length. (The Work Cited does not count toward length requirements.)

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