The Beneficial Invention on Ocean Driven Hydropower

The Beneficial Invention on Ocean Driven Hydropower Order Instructions: The Beneficial Invention: We live in an age of great technological change. Imagine that you could choose what the next great invention would be.

The Beneficial Invention on Ocean Driven Hydropower
The Beneficial Invention on Ocean Driven Hydropower

What invention would be the most beneficial for society, and why? Write a well-organized persuasive essay in which you explain your choice.

The Beneficial Invention on Ocean Driven Hydropower Sample Answer

Ocean-Driven Hydropower

Necessity is the mother of invention, and inventions from typical ones to the most complex and sophisticated ones are majorly motivated towards resolving a particular problem or need. However, with different problems or needs requiring varied solution alternatives, modern-day inventions are no longer driven by necessity but austerity in order to ensure that the most appropriate option is pursued optimal results (Kreis). Thus, De Bono argues that “since the development of the sewing machine to the railway to the telegraph, the nineteenth century was abuzz with inventions” (53). This was immediately followed by other numerous inventions including the light bulb, the typewriter, X-ray as well as the wireless communication all the way up to the most recent inventions that are highly complex and sophisticated solving serious problems in a vast range of problems across all areas affecting the humanity and nature. However, most of these inventions have also presented their fair share of challenges including environmental challenges arising from industrial pollution, in particular the global warming and/or climate change which have been attributed to a myriad of social-economical problems (Fuller).

Nowadays, more emphasis has been focused on mitigating these environmental challenges mostly caused by the sources of energy used in industries as well as powering automobiles through green and sustainable energy. This is a need which has been recognized due to the extent of devastating environmental problems attributable to global warming and/or climate change such as floods, droughts, hurricanes, among others. As a result, the zeal to invent an appropriate to address these challenges has been significantly heightened mostly through green and sustainable energy alternatives that would greatly reduce industrial pollution subsequently ensuring that challenges caused by global warming and/or climate change are alleviated once and for all (Meyer).

As such, ocean-driven hydropower will definitely be one of the greatest inventions in the future envisaged to be the most beneficial as we continue to consistently and rapidly undergo the age of tremendous technological change. Schneider rightfully argues “the potential of ocean-driven hydropower has immense potential in providing substantial green and sustainable energy in the future, which would subsequently result to significant reductions in industrial pollution thereby contributing to the resolving of many environmental issues that confront humanity today” (2). Furthermore, Maynard claims that “the ocean is significantly vast and has an immense potential to be exponentially and infinitely tapped to provided the most need green as well as sustainable energy if the turbines which are currently being designed to harness the ocean’s hydropower potential are commercialized” (633).

This great invention which is envisaged to be almost a panacea to most environmental challenges stemming from industrial pollution in future through utilization of its potential to capture energy from ocean currents subsequently converting this wave power into electricity is not without a feasibility hurdle, because it will require significant amounts of investment. However, Schneider rightfully argues that “these investments are not comparable to the benefits expected to accrue from this great invention not only in cutting energy consumption costs but also in terms of reducing the costs involved in mitigating the environmental risks as well as addressing environmental problems or issues arising from industrial pollution caused by conventional sources of energy such as biofuels and biomass fuels” (3). Thus, this beneficial invention will be a great breakthrough towards addressing energy needs as well as environmental challenges in the future.

The Beneficial Invention on Ocean Driven Hydropower Works Cited

De Bono, Edward. “Eureka! An Illustrated History of Inventions from the Wheel to the Computer”, Thames & Hudson, 2014.

Fuller, EdmundTinkers and Genius: The Story of the Yankee Inventors. New York: Hastings House, 2015.

Kreis, Steven. “The Origins of the Industrial Revolution in England”The history guide. The history guide, 5 May 2010. Retrieved 19 June 2010.

Maynard, Frank. “Five thousand horsepower from air bubbles”. Popular Mechanics: 633, 2010.

Meyer, Jerome S. Great Inventions. New York: Pocket Books, 2006.

Schneider, Howard. “World Bank turns to hydropower to square development with climate change”The Washington Post. The Washington Post, 8 May 2013. Retrieved 9 May 2013.

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