The Impact of Oil Price Drop on GCC Countries

The Impact of Oil Price Drop on GCC Countries Order Instructions: The topic that I choose is:

The Impact of Oil Price Drop on GCC Countries
The Impact of Oil Price Drop on GCC Countries

The impact of an oil price drop on GCC countries, governments, companies, individuals,

This week you are exploring the role of epistemology in research and the philosophical assumptions that provide insight into management research. You are gaining an understanding of how your own philosophical assumptions can influence your research and even the process of selecting a problem or issue to study. In this week’s assignment, you will begin to generate a broadly specified topic for the management dissertation project that you will eventually carry out. In this first week, you are required to think about some of the key parameters that may influence your choice of topic and to communicate initial ideas to the module Instructor for comment.

After receiving Instructor feedback, you will review and refine your choice of topic, and that refined outline will then function as a foundation for subsequent work to be carried out in the module.

In this week’s submission, you should address each of the following points:

1) 1) Outline the general management topic or problem that you plan to address in your dissertation. Use the dissertation Proposal Proforma and refer to the Proforma Notes, located in Week 1 Learning Resources (see ‘Handouts’ ) to help you with this.

2) Explain how your selection of the topic or problem is influenced by your epistemological perspective(s).

This assignment will support the draft of Section 1 of your Proposal. Remember to write concisely.

The Impact of Oil Price Drop on GCC Countries Sample Answer









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1.         Aim, objectives, and feasibility of the dissertation (first draft required in Week 2 of the RM module)

The central aim of this dissertation is to establish the climate changes and their impact on the energy policies of the GCC. GCC holds close to 23% of gas and 50% of global oil reserves. Considering that GCC is the leading oil producer, GCC states are currently viewed as reluctant in showing negotiations towards climate change (Peterson, 2011, pp.7). However, rapid energy consumptions and the changing infrastructure are with the growing population constantly driving the need for more energy in meeting both their domestic and industrial use.

The Impact of Oil Price Drop on GCC Countries Research Questions

In consideration of the above detailed purpose, it is essential to detail that this study will be detailed to determine the significance and impact of oil price drops on GCC countries, governments, companies, and individuals in consideration of the following research question:

  1. How essential are sustainable energy resources for the oil-rich GCC states that are affected when the prices of oil are lowered?

Research Objectives

This study therefore seeks to determine the challenges that GCC states encounter during falls in oil-prices. On the other hand, the paper will also establish the future endeavours for GCC and oil states in developing a sustainable energy system.


The study will collect data from various resources established under the same topic and interviews conducted on some of the stakeholders in the GCC states.

Justification of the Study

It is significant to note that deplete in oil-prices affects the economies of several states, a factor that impacts the prices of different commodities in the market (Jaffe, & Elass, 2015, pp.124). Through this study, different markets and companies will be positioned greatly in establishing favorable market prices on their commodities during such events.

2. Literature Review The Impact of Oil Price Drop on GCC Countries

According to McBride (2015), the decline in international oil prices has driven the GCC states in determining effective approaches of establishing new sources of revenue (pp.1) This authors allegations are pegged on the fact that the depletes in oil prices is attributed to the developments in new technologies, the slow economic growth within the newly emerging markets and the re-emergence of several other producers of oil such as Iraq and Iran.

On the other hand, Kendall-Taylor (2011) elaborates this by alluding to the fact that these challenges result from the emergence of alternative energy sources and new processes of fuel extraction that include shale production (pp.325). As a result of this, several GCC states have encountered slow economic growth, an element that indicates that the demand for oil products will significantly drop irrespective of the low prices. It is significant to determine that Kendall notes that the depletes in oil prices among the GCC states has the capacity to cut production especially when the prices are low since these nations seek to retain their shares on the oil market.

Saudi Arabia, also known as the de facto leader of OPEC, has always believed that the shale companies has no capacity to survive this period of low pricing since their production method accumulates a higher cost as compared to the conventional oil production (Sang, & Seong-Min, 2013, pp.75). From an economic point of view, Saudi Arabia stands in a better state to outlast smaller oil producing states and shale oil producers without cutting back on their production as a result of exceptionally low production costs approximated at $1.5 trillion portfolio of state-owned assets that enables this state to maintain its spending at similar levels as in the past for a while.

  1. Research methodology and methods

The primary purpose methodology is to develop a decisive approach that aids in facilitating and analysing the methods in determining the presuppositions and consequences that relate to the study. This study therefore takes the positivist approach in determining the impact of an oil price drop on GCC countries, governments, companies, individuals (Sang, & Seong-Min, 2013, pp.75).  The study therefore undertakes the onion research approach that depicts the layers involved in the study. The first two layers in the study clearly indicate the philosophy of the research and its approach. This clearly gives a definition of the research process with the aim of identifying the rationale behind depletes in oil prices and its impact.

The basics of the positivist view in this study determine the independence of the study and its influence that is value free. This is constituted by the fact that the researcher’s word is objective and external with the assumptions developed by the researcher based on a qualitative and factual observational approach (Toksoz, 2012, pp.198). Positivism views the element of knowledge as an element that reduces the phenomena into simple elements that clearly depicted the general policies of the study.

The response of this study revolves around the views of the stakeholders, identified as governments, nationals, residents and states within the GCC environment. Since different stakeholders, the element of critical realism is initiated to answer the research questions and take an analysis of the situations in this case. Interviews will be conducted to ascertain a holistic representation of the study from the stakeholders within this industry. Analysis, interviews, and observational activities will be essential in arriving at a qualitative result for the study (Kassicieh, & Nassar, 2013, pp.78). The primary research developed through interviews that are rich and credible will be used in the collection of data. On the other hand, a structured and semi-structured qualitative interview will be initiated based on the results of the study.

4.   Timing mileposts

You should produce a final Proposal for submission to the DA for approval within 1 to 2 months from your module start date. However, please aim for 7 weeks from your start date at the latest, to ensure time for any necessary revisions and final approval by the 8 week cut-off.




Due date


1 Stage 1: Area of interest identified
2 Stage 2: Specific topic selected
3 Stage 3: Topic refined to develop dissertation proposal
4 Stage 4: Proposal written and submitted
5 Stage 5: Collection of data and information
6 Stage 6: Analysis and interpretation of the collected data/information
7 Stage 7: Writing up
8 Stage 8: Final draft prepared— submission of a dissertation
9 Final Deadline—9 months from module start date.
The Impact of Oil Price Drop on GCC Countries References

Jaffe, A, & Elass, J 2015, ‘WAR AND THE OIL PRICE CYCLE’, Journal Of International Affairs, 69, 1, pp. 121-137, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 7 June 2016.

Kassicieh, S, & Nassar, J 2013, ‘Political Risk in the Gulf: The Impact of the Iran-Iraq War on Governments and Multinational Corporations’, California Management Review, 28, 2, pp. 69-86, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 7 June 2016.

Kendall-Taylor, A 2011, ‘Instability and Oil: How Political Time Horizons Affect Oil Revenue Management’, Studies In Comparative International Development, 46, 3, pp. 321-348, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 7 June 2016.

McBride, M 2015, ‘Global oil price plunge shakes up the way governments do taxes’, International Tax Review, p. 1, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 7 June 2016.

Peterson, JE 2011, ‘Life after Oil: Economic Alternatives for the Arab Gulf States’, Mediterranean Quarterly, 20, 3, pp. 1-18, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 7 June 2016.

Sang Hoon, K, & Seong-Min, Y 2013, ‘Return and Volatility Transmission Between Oil Prices and Emerging Asian Markets’, Seoul Journal Of Business, 19, 2, pp. 73-93, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 7 June 2016.

Toksoz, M 2012, ‘The Gulf Cooperation Council and the global recession’, Journal Of Balkan & Near Eastern Studies, 12, 2, pp. 195-206, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 7 June 2016.

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