Traditional Project Management Approach

Traditional Project Management Approach Assume a scenario in which you have been hired as a consultant by an organization that manages its many projects using the traditional project management

Traditional Project Management Approach
Traditional Project Management Approach

This organization has reached a maturity level at which sets of well-defined and fully documented processes are in place and followed, but remain
subject to occasional improvements over time. However, the Chief Information Officer of the organization has expressed concern regarding the use of the
traditional approach due to recent performance issues and setbacks as the client had requested several changes during the life of the project and now
perceives the organization to be unable to deliver as promised. The CIO has given you the mandate to analyze the traditional approach currently adopted by the organization and make recommendations on how to best proceed in the future.
As a fully qualified and recognized professional in the field, you have collected all of the data required for your analysis, liaised with the various
project managers currently on staff, performed a thorough and rigorous review, analyzed the data, and as such, are now ready to recommend a future course of action. You are convinced that the major projects of this organization must use the Adaptive Project Framework approach, which would enable projects to be completed more quickly, at less cost, and with better results. You want to ensure that the CIO, along with the rest of the executive team, will accept your
Write a strategic recommendation in which you suggest introducing and implementing the Adaptive Project Framework approach in this organization. Highlight
obstacles that may be encountered when adopting this framework and propose how they would be overcome.
Please make sure that you cite and reference all your outside sources properly, as per the Harvard Referencing System.

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