Unsolved Mysteries on The Sodder Children

Unsolved Mysteries on The Sodder Children For this assignment, you will compose an essay with a strong thesis statement and evidence, coherent body paragraphs, and a strong conclusion.

Unsolved Mysteries on The Sodder Children
Unsolved Mysteries on The Sodder Children

You are required to use four sources for this assignment. The sources can be anything you want (photo, audio, map, article, website, video, interview, survey, census, data, graphs, trees, art, literature, book, etc.) as long as they meet the following two parameters: A) You must have sources from at least two different modes (ie-print and digital, textual and visual, etc.) and B) One of your sources must be accessed through our library (catalog, database). As long as they meet those 2 criteria, your source selection is entirely up to you. You should choose the sources that have the most credibility, accuracy, and relevance to your topic. You should choose the best sources to answer your research question.

*Your audience for this assignment is an interdisciplinary audience of college students, scholars, and inquisitive adults (the kind who watch PBS). The genre for this assignment is researched argumentation
The sources cannot be .com Have to be 4-5 pages double space.
And definitely, have to have a word count at the end


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