Urinary System and Normal Kidney Function Watch the tutorial below on normal kidney function, then address the questions in essay format.

In this module, you explored the workings of the urinary system. Now view this tutorial: How Do Our Kidneys Work (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctGkLYuUCvU).
Urinary System and Normal Kidney Function Assignment Requirements and Guidelines
To complete this assignment, prepare a 2- to 3-page paper in which you use the linked animations and tutorials to describe the function of the nephron in greater detail. Follow the requirements below after viewing the linked kidney tutorial (above).
Use the linked animations to describe the anatomy of the kidneys (http://highered.mheducation.com/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=swf%3a%3a525%3a%3a530%3a%3a%2fsites%2fdl%2ffree%2f0073378267%2f955281%2fKidneygrossanatomy.swf%3a%3aAnatomy+of+the+kidney) and their filtration units, the nephrons. This interactive tutorial further details the associated blood vessels to help explain the complexity of the urinary vascular system. In your essay assignment, explain the following:
Where the blood enters the kidney (describe the relevant vasculature and important kidney anatomy).
How blood flow passes the filtration membrane (describe the process of filtration through the Bowman’s capsule/glomerulus).
How the blood returns to the circulatory system (describe the relevant vasculature and important kidney anatomy).
Describe how the filtrates from the blood are sent through the tubular segments of the nephron (https://www.khanacademy.org/science/biology/human-biology/kidney-nephron/v/the-kidney-and-nephron) to the bladder.
Explain what happens at each segment of the ascending and descending loops.
Summarize the processes of absorption, filtration, secretion, and elimination which occur in the nephron.