Vodafone Rethinking the International Strategy

Vodafone Rethinking the International Strategy 1. plz note that this case study must write a reported structure. 2.writer must read Vodafone:

Vodafone Rethinking the International Strategy
Vodafone Rethinking the International Strategy

Rethinking the International Strategy this PDF document very
carefully, and use all information what I give u to write this report. 3. The writer must read ASSESSMENT 3 this document very very carefully, and follow the structure appear in this document especially TASK, REMEMBER AND MARKING CRITERIA, this important information. The writer must cover all this information when you doing this report. 4. I will upload the report structure plz follow this structure. Is it better for a wireless service provider to have its revenues concentrated in a single country, or spread across the globe?
Is there any business that Vodafone should divest?

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