Wall Street Journal Article Assignment

Wall Street Journal Article Assignment website: http://online.wsj.com/home-page
During the semester each student will submit three one-page assignments based on WSJ articles.

Wall Street Journal Article Assignment
Wall Street Journal Article Assignment

Each assignment is a review/analysis of a WSJ article the article chosen may be selected from one of the three most recent issues. The assignments are to include the complete citation of the article (author, title, issue date, and page number(s), a one-paragraph summary of the article and at least a paragraph analyzing how the issues of the article relate to Porter’s and/or Griffin’s models. [Attention: The length of the analysis has to be at least the same length as the summary]. The assignments will be collected in class. From inspiring lectures on the newest management trends to stimulating discussions on business ethics, daily use of The Wall Street Journal in your classroom gives you a valuable teaching resource.

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