Why Am I Doing This The Stamp Act

Why Am I Doing This The Stamp Act Order Instructions: Statement of Purpose or “Why Am I Doing This?”

Why Am I Doing This The Stamp Act
Why Am I Doing This The Stamp Act

One of the goals of the discussion boards is to encourage student community learning, and to help you gain valuable experience with analyzing evidence and presenting sound arguments based on evidence. To this end, your discussion board assignments will require you to examine events from a variety of perspectives and construct an argument that supports a specific point of view based on the supplied prompt.


Response to the Prompt – “Editorial” (First Submission)

• Read the information associated with that topic provided in the appropriate Reading & Study folder in Blackboard.
• Submit your 300–400-word response to the prompt to the Discussion Board Forum in the form of a newspaper editorial article. Your “editorial” must address 1 point of view presented in the forum for the topic you choose. Use the materials you read to write, assuming you are living in the time in which the event occurred and are writing to a contemporary audience who wants the news and your point of view on it. Your work must be clearly supported by your readings and biblical principles. You must take a definite position on the question asked.
• Your “editorial” must be submitted directly as a reply to the appropriate thread. Do not attach your “editorial” as a Microsoft Word document or PDF file.
• Appropriate citations must be made using parenthetical references in proper and current Turabian format (these must be complete citations including page numbers when applicable).
• First person is allowed.






Why Am I Doing This The Stamp Act Sample Answer

The Stamp Act

The stamp act was imposed on all the American colonists by the England colonial government without any due regard from the colonists who had been in America. The problem itself was not the collection of the taxes that they were supposed to follow rather the method the law had been applied to them without consultation. Initially, money inform of taxes was spent back to England and the people in England were deemed satisfied. However, the new methods that was coming up required that the colonial government back in England would impose taxes without due regard for the laws that colonies had set in America. If the colonies accepted such a tax like the stamp duty, it would mean that the government in England would soon enough come up with other new taxes which could be imposed on people in America without realizing that America was being ruled by colonies granted power by the England monarch to rule on their behalf (Ushistory.org 2015).

Additionally, the use of stamp tax would reduce the amount of capital or revenue that the colonists were collecting. It would very difficult for the governments in the colonial system to meet the basic needs of the people in their colonies. For example, if people of Virginia were being taxed by the Virginia colonist government, the taxes were to be used to meet and facilitate some important services that was being offered by the same government. However, it would be unfair for the government to collect funds that were not going to be used back home in England and not in the development programs in the colonies. This would have created an avenue that the government back home in England would have completely used and directly obscured any efforts that were being made by the government of the day about collecting taxes  (Ushistory.org 2015).

Why Am I Doing This The Stamp Act References

Ushistory.org,. 2015. ‘The Stamp Act http://www.ushistory.org/declaration/related/stampact.htm.

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