Women Traditional Scheme of Things Fitness

Women Traditional Scheme of Things Fitness Where do women fit in the scheme of things in these traditions?

Women Traditional Scheme of Things Fitness
Women Traditional Scheme of Things Fitness

The research question for the written assignment is one that should be familiar by now. Where do women fit in the scheme of things in these traditions? You
do not have to review the entire history of the tradition–just to the year 1000, CE. I have laid in a link to Hammurabi’s code, a law code that pre-dates
the rise of Judaism, Christianity and Islam by many years. It gives you a glimpse of how men (they wrote the laws) thought about women, located them socially
and as a members of a community, Those attitudes did not disappear but got incorporated into the teachings and usages of the three traditions we are
studying. Ellwood has helpful information, so review that carefully and use the links to documents that you can use to develop your report.

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