World Music Concert Project and Report

World Music Concert Project and Report For your concert report, you are to attend a world music concert devoted to music culture that is different than the music presented at the festival that you attended for your mid-term project and report on it.

World Music Concert Project and Report
World Music Concert Project and Report

There are a lot of examples of different types of music to search for given in your text. The concert report is due December 17 but may be submitted earlier. You must include proof of your attendance, such as a scan or photo of a ticket stub, a flyer, a program, or yourself at the concert. You can embed your proof in your paper, or send it to be attached to a message with the subject line: Concert Proof.

World Music Concert Project and Report Response

Your concert should be a live concert, not background music, video or TV. Note your impressions about what you heard and saw and relate it to work we have done in class if possible.

In your written response, first give the date, location, and time of the event, and the performer or group you saw. Then consider the following:

*General responses to the performance and to the work itself. What type of concert was it and what was the general style of the music? What were the cultural implications related to our work in class? You liked it or didn’t like it. Why? Include strong and weak points in the music and in the way it was performed.

*Responses to the performances in the concert. What was good or bad and what made it so? Be specific. If it was a group concert, how did the performers work as an ensemble?

*What kinds of themes, messages or ideas came across to you in the concert? What did the experience cause you to think about or feel?

*Comment on the visual impact of the concert: setting, lights, concert dress, and movement. How did these add to or detract from the mood and power of the music? What did you notice about audience behavior?

World Music Concert Project and Report Grading

A 50 point paper will include responses to the points above and will be written in correct English with correct spelling. It will be about one page in length. Proof of attendance will be included, and the date, place and time of the concert will be specified. The concert will have occurred during this semester, not earlier.

The event will be rolling loud LA 2018 that was just this weekend 12/14-12/15. There are set time posted on their website. The concert was a crazy, really good mood, some people dressed really good but others didn’t. The concert lasted till 12 am on both days

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