Write a Report on Symbolism Themes Write a report of 450-500 words on “The Whitsun Weddings” by Philip Larkin ‘Symbolism is central to Larkin’s writing.
Detail the numerous themes of the poem. Discuss the ways in which uses of symbolism help to draw out and develop these themes.’
Examples of Themes in the poem
Subtheme: Happy Funeral; wedding days are coming to an end; all windows down cushions hot
Subtheme: poplars cast long shadows
Subtheme: parodies of fashion; all poised irresolutely; jewelry substitutes
Everything you say must be supported by the text in the poem
The only source should be the poem itself
75847 an hour ago
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39 minutes ago
Paper structure should be:
Introduction 50 words
1st paragraph should identify 3 main themes like: Life, time and society
2nd paragraph should consist of identifying sub-themes and quotes
250 words
Conclusion 50 words