Rewrite Short Story two Kinds by Amy Tan

Rewrite Short Story two Kinds by Amy Tan Sources: The short stories in the unit resource section

Rewrite Short Story two Kinds by Amy Tan
Rewrite Short Story two Kinds by Amy Tan

Prompt (what are you writing about?):

Choose any of the short stories that you read in this unit and rewrite 3 or more pages of the story from a different character’s perspective.

Note: An example of this would be if you took part in “Cinderella” and rewrote the story from the point of view of one of the stepsisters.

Rewrite Short Story two Kinds by Amy Tan Instructions

 Read the short stories in your Unit 7/Point of View and Perspective “readings resources”

 Write a 3 or more page response in which you rewrite a section of the story from a different character’s point of view.

 Your audience for this response will be people who have read the stories.

Rewrite Short Story two Kinds by Amy Tan Requirements

 Your response should be a minimum of 3 pages.

 Your response should have a properly APA formatted title page.

 It should also be double-spaced, written in Times New Roman, in 12 point font, and with 1-inch margins.

 Please be cautious about plagiarism.

 Students: Be sure to read before you write, and again after you write.

Amy Tan, well known for her novel, The Joy Luck Club, which depicts her life growing up as a Chinese-American, shares her experiences as a child piano prodigy (pages 471-480).

Tan, A. (2017). Two kinds. In L. Kirszner & S. Mandell (Eds.), Portable literature: Reading, reacting, writing, 9thed (pp. 471-480). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. (Original work published 1989)

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