Agent of Social Change for Issues on Sexual Violence Your third paper requires you to identify ways that you can be an agent of social change for your problem/challenge/issue within this specific demographic.
For this paper, you need to identify 3 acts of dissent that could lead to change around your problem/challenge/issue. These acts of dissent must be acts of activism that the average person could engage in. For example, passing a law is not the sort of thing we are looking for because the average person cannot do this. However, if you think a law needs to be passed what steps could the average person take to try to make this happen? You will need to explain what each act consists of, how it could lead to change, and what needs it meets.
In addition, you must engage in 1 of these acts. I am not looking for large scale acts of dissent (i.e. I do not expect you to organize a march on Washington). Instead, it should be something that you can carry out in a short amount of time and it should be something you feel comfortable with. This can be volunteering, participating in a protest, writing letters to people, starting a Facebook petition, blogging, raising money for an organization, having conversations with people, boycotting something, etc. You will need to write about this experience in this paper. Tell me what you did and why you think this can make a difference for the specific group of women you have identified.
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