Architectural Theories and the Urban Context In reviewing various architectural theories and the urban context, what do you understand as “luxury as sustainability”?
Explain why by critiquing specific writings and provide evidence. Your literature review of the specific background area should not exceed 2,500 words (This excludes the Reference list). For this, tutors do not want to read a compilation of quotations, instead, they want to read your critical evaluation. This review is to be succinct and well written.
All information must be properly referenced (in-text and reference list) using the Chicago Style of Referencing. NO WIKIPEDIA references.
What is required for the first assignment is an analytical or critical overview of the sources of Information and buildings and their public spaces (2 buildings). Also, each student is required to Provide us with DIFFERENT points of view – by critiquing the places with evidence and NOT Descriptive viewpoints. The point is to allow you all to think on different levels – analyze the wider Cultural, historical, social and political relationships that invest architecture and the urban space.
What are the works’ theoretical underpinnings?
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