Business Risks for the Identified Solutions

Business Risks for the Identified Solutions When reflecting on business risks for the identified solutions, here are some things to consider for your client:

Business Risks for the Identified Solutions
Business Risks for the Identified Solutions

What changes of roles and responsibilities would be required with personnel changes?·

What is the succession plan? ·

What new systems or skills will employees need to gain?

What is the financial cost? ·

What interdepartmental changes need to be made (manufacturing, sales, delivery, financial and IT)? ·

Would communication barriers increase or decrease? ·

How would the proposed solutions impact clients?

Would it increase their engagement level? ·

Would the changes impact the brand or reputation in the industry?

While these are not all-inclusive questions, they can provide guidance and clarity when developing the Risk Assessment.

Risk analysis should be completed for each proposed solution.

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