Articles Comments and Constructive Criticism

Articles Comments and Constructive Criticism Order Instructions: The writer will have to read each of these articles and react to them by commenting, analyzing and supporting with relevant articles. The writer will have to read carefully before giving constructive comments on the article.

Articles Comments and Constructive Criticism
Articles Comments and Constructive Criticism

The writer should write one paragraph of at least 150 words. APA and in-text citation must be used as each respond to the two articles must have in-text citations. The writer will have to use an article to supports his comments in each of the articles. Address the content of each article below in one paragraph each, analysis and evaluation of the topic, as well as the integration of relevant resources.

Articles Comments and Constructive Criticism Sample Answer

Comments and constructive criticism

Article 1: Success of the SCADA EMS project

In this article, the student has discussed in an exhaustive manner how the project was undertaken by General Electric (GE) Energy at an electric utility company in Atlanta, Georgia was successfully implemented. The name of the project was Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Energy Management System (EMS). The student has properly described how GE Energy’s executives and project management office ensured the success of this project. To ensure the success of the SCADA EMS project, GE Energy first appointed a dedicated project manager, which is important as the project manager would provide effective leadership and guidance to the project team thereby steering the project to success (Staskiewicz, 2015). A Project Charter was also developed early on. The project charter was helpful as it provided an outline of the responsibilities and roles of both the project manager and the project team members, and specified the project cost, schedule, and scope (Patel, Bosela & Delatta, 2013). The student also accurately took note of the importance of GE project manager involving each of the concerned stakeholders and working with them closely during the initial stages of the project. In essence, involving the project team and other key stakeholders in the early stages of any project would result in setting clear project scope and enables everyone to clearly understand the project requirements beforehand (Staskiewicz, 2015).

Article 2: Tesla Software 7.0

In this article, the student eloquently discusses a new technology developed by Tesla Motors, an automaker that specializes in the production of eco-friendly electric cars. In the project, Tesla Motors developed software version 7.0 in which this carmaker sought to introduce a technology dubbed autonomous driving that allows a Tesla car to have autonomous or autopilot driving capabilities such as auto park, automatic emergency steering, side collision warning, and auto lane change abilities. The student has correctly articulated why this carmaker implemented the novel, ground-breaking project. The need for software version 7.0 was derived from the desire by the senior executives at Tesla Motors to introduce autonomous driving for the average car owners (Blanco, 2015). Prior to implementing this autonomous driving project, the student clearly indicates that Tesla Motors conducted a thorough study to determine the need for the new technology in the marketplace. On the whole, before a company commits resources into pursuing a particular project, it is important to first establish the need for the project in the marketplace and its potential value to the company (Chen, 2011).

Articles Comments and Constructive Criticism References

Blanco, S. (2015). Tesla software 7.0 brings big autopilot updates. Retrieved from

Chen, H. L. (2011). Predictors of project performance and the likelihood of project success. Journal of International Management Studies, 6(2), 1. Retrieved from

Patel, A., Bosela, P. A., & Delatte, N. J. (2012). 1976 Montreal Olympics: Case Study of Project Management Failure. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 27, 362-369. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000332

Staskiewicz, J. (2015). Dust collection projects: 8 tips to ensure success. Plant Engineering, 69, 60-62.

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