Choose Four Different Products from Different Brand

Choose Four Different Products from Different Brand Tasks:

Choose Four Different Products from Different Brand
Choose Four Different Products from Different Brand
  1. Choose four different products from a different brand (be specific)
  2. Identify the concept of each product (production, product, selling, and marketing) and justify your answer. Your justification must be very clear and in details.
  3. Identify the core competency of the business that provides these products and justifies your answer.

Choose Four Different Products from Different Brand Guidelines

  1. The assignment should be done in the form of an Essay.
  2. Please provide references to support your answer when appropriate.
  3. Written response addresses all essay question writing prompts clearly and directly.
  4. The response indicates the depth and complexity of thought in answering the essay question.
  5. The response is well organized and developed with appropriate support to make meaning clear (well-chosen examples).
  6. The response is free from any errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics.
  7. The word count is more than 800 words

Please, when you chose the 4th different well-known products to let me know before you start the assignment and chose nice, good and interesting products.

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