Describe your own writing process

Describe your own writing process
Describe your own writing process

Describe your own writing process.

Describe your own writing process. Don’t worry about what you think you should be doing. Instead, reflect on how you actually go about completing your writing assignments. What works? What doesn’t? Do some strategies work better for certain kinds of writing or certain kinds of classes? Why?

Rather than think about writing in general, try to recall a specific assignment/writing task to help you narrow down possible details and to help you craft a more focused post.

Make sure to create a well-structured paragraph and support your ideas in a paragraph roughly 80-100 words in length.

Due Dates and Posting Guidelines:
Initial post due no later than 2/23, 11:59 PM Pacific Time. At least two peer responses due no later than 2/25, 11:59 PM Pacific Time.

9 hours ago
Also help me to write two sentences response to others.

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