Diverse Workforce Issues in an Organization

Diverse Workforce Issues in an Organization Order Instructions: The strengths of a diverse workforce often relate to the notion of variety – that having access to diverse ideas and perspectives can enhance a business’ competitive advantage.

Diverse Workforce Issues in an Organization
Diverse Workforce Issues in an Organization

Yet the diverse individuals who hold those ideas and perspectives must work together cooperatively and collaboratively to pursue and achieve common goals. Therein lies one of the challenges of managing diversity and realizing its many benefits. For the essay, draw on the resources and your own experiences to analyze the role of HR policy in diversity management, and how HR policy can realize the opportunities and address the challenges of workplace diversity.

To complete this essay:

•Read the required files which sent by email.

•In approximately 550 words, identify the issues posed by a diverse workforce in an organization. Analyze the role of HR policy in anticipating and mitigating potential challenges, and promoting and maximizing specific advantages associated with diversity.

•What challenges and benefits of diversity management do those responsible for HR policy development and implementation face?

•How should HR leaders use policy most effectively to overcome challenges and recognize the benefits of a diverse workforce?

•What specific issues of national legislation on equality in the workplace are being followed to enforce the areas of equality and diversity?

Diverse Workforce Issues in an Organization Sample Answer


Issues Posed By a Diverse Workforce in an Organization

Workplace diversity within an organization occurs when such a company hires employees from different backgrounds and experiences, an element that many organizations consider as an investment towards the development of a better business (Toon, 2011, pp.6). However, there are some issues that are prone to occur as a result of diversity in an organization. Communication barriers are likely to occur within a diverse workforce, an aspect that would result in complexities when passing information, thus resulting in mistakes and errors.

In as much as diversity within an organization have its fare benefits, some employees and managers from diverse backgrounds are likely to reach negatively to changes within the organization (Theodorakopoulos, & Budhwar, 2015, pp.178). Employees who oppose diversity within the workforce reject the inclusion of new ideologies, an aspect that makes work environments challenging. Companies that fail in handling such negative energies may not attain the full benefits of workplace diversity.

The Role of HR Policies in Mitigating the Potential Challenges Associated with Diversity

It is significant to determine that without the inclusion of efforts aimed at promoting policies and efficient practices that provide support to the diverse workforce’s from different backgrounds, an organization is bound to encounter challenges in incorporating such individual within the taskforce (Bamberger, Biron, & Meshoulam, 2014, pp.3). Policies therefore play a vital role in articulating practices that organizations can employ to support the element of diversity, an aspect that would yield positive outcomes such as an increase in organizations creativity, profitability, individuals and organizational growth, flexibility and a successful adjustment to the fluctuations in the market.

In addition to this, diversity policies within an organization are bound to act as a signal that shows the companies commitment in supporting employees from different regions and backgrounds (Bamberger, et.al.2014, pp.4). An effective diversity policy has the capacity to clearly define its goals in a manner that frames the element of diversity as an opportunity to an organization rather than a threat.

Challenges and Benefits of Diversity Management in HR Policy Development and Implementation

The challenges that an organization may encounter in diversity management in relation to HR policy establishment and implementation may include the negative perspectives that may arise from discrimination against the workforce (Marchington, & Suter, 2012, pp.284). This requires organizations to initiative diversity management approaches that harnesses and identifies the values and differences of the workforce in order to fully utilize their potentials for the benefit of an organization.

However, the benefits of diversity management tend to outweigh its challenges. Through a strategized development of diverse workforces, an organization is likely to achieve its competitive advantage an aspect that cogently incorporates flexibility, creativity. Employee retention and attraction, and a better marketing approach (Armstrong, 2014, pp.2). Through an efficient diversity management approach, an organizations taskforce is in a position to increase its innovation and creativity, an aspect that enables such an organization to homogenously outperform its competitors. Other benefits of diversity management may include the reduction in the turnover rates, reduction of the labor market shrinks, absenteeism and attracting the best employees in a company.

HR Leader’s Use of Policy to Overcome Challenges and Determine the Benefits of a Diverse Workforce

Leaders have the capacity to use policies in overcoming some of the challenges that a diverse workforce encounters. This can be achieved when the top management of an organization initiates philosophies that foster an effective organizational culture that embraces and recognizes diversity, thus committing resources and leadership capabilities in the implementation of efficient management methods of diversity policies (Tricker, 2015, pp.17). Organizations may also consider incorporating AA and EEO in making use of diversity. Lastly, organizations also need to consider educating the workforce, networking and communicating at all levels in order to enhance diversity management processes.

National Legislation on Equality in the Workplace

The Equality Act was turned in law in 2010, October, having replaced the previous legislations such as the Disability Discrimination Act of 1995 and the Race Relations Act of 1976 (Tricker, 2015, pp.26). As a result of this legislation, employers are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that they promote and improve equality between both men and women irrespective of their circumstances within the work environment.

Diverse Workforce Issues in an Organization References

Armstrong, M. (2014) Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice, 13th ed. London: Kogan Page.

Bamberger, P., Biron, M. & Meshoulam, I. (2014) Human resource strategy: formulation, implementation and impact, 2nd ed. London: Routledge

Marchington, M. & Suter, J. (2012) “Where informality really matters: Patterns of employee involvement and participation in a non-union firm” Industrial Relations 52 (1) pp. 284-313

Toon, C. (2011) ‘Is your HR policy outdated?’ [Online]. Available from: http://www.hrmagazine.co.uk/article-details/is-your-hr-policy-outdated (Accessed: 19 October, 2015).

Tricker, B. (2015) .Corporate governance: principles, policies and practices. Oxford: Oxford University Press pp.15-34

Theodorakopoulos, N., & Budhwar, P. (2015). Guest Editors’ Introduction: Diversity and Inclusion in Different Work Settings: Emerging Patterns, Challenges, and Research Agenda. Human Resource Management, 54(2), 177-197. doi:10.1002/hrm.21715

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