Effects of Human RM Practices on Employee Performance

Effects of Human RM Practices on Employee Performance Order Instructions: Annotated Bibliography

Effects of Human RM Practices on Employee Performance
Effects of Human RM Practices on Employee Performance


Provide three additional references related to your Doctoral Study topic in annotated bibliography format and synthesize these three references into a component of the doctoral study rubric (ex. Nature of study, literature review, etc.) Please, it is important that the writer use sources not older than 5 years, and please it is also important to include the DOI where necessary.

Effects of Human RM Practices on Employee Performance Sample Answer

Effects of HRM practices on employee performance: Annotated Bibliography

Hamzah, M. A., Osman, D., & Edris, H. M. (2014). The effect of human resources management practices on employee performance. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 3(9): 129-133

The study conducted by Hamzah, Osman and Edris (2014) examined the effect of human resource management practices toward the performance of employees in a particular organization. The HRM practices which were included in the study were selection and recruitment, compensation, and performance appraisal. The study included a total of 40 participants. A broad review of the literature was done. A structured questionnaire was used in data collection and SPSS was used to analyze the gathered quantitative data. The results showed that compensation, as well as recruitment and selection, correlated significantly with the performance level of the employees (Hamzah, Osman & Edris, 2014).

Shaukat, H., Ashraf, N., & Ghafoor, S. (2015). Impact of human resource management on employee performance. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 23(2): 329-338.

In their study, Shaukat, Ashraf and Ghafoor (2015) explored the contribution of various HRM practices including employee participation, performance evaluation, job definition, selection, compensation, career planning and training on the perceived performance of employees. Their study was also aimed at describing the HRM decisions that could have a unique and significant impact on the overall performance of the organization. The researchers exhaustively assessed the correlations between employee performance and systems of high-performance work practices. The sample size comprised a national sample of several companies. A comprehensive literature review was carried out on relevant, current studies on the related topics. The findings indicated that HRM practices actually have a statistically and economically significant impact on the performance level of employees (Shaukat, Ashraf & Ghafoor, 2015).

Tiwari, P. (2011). Impact of Selected HRM Practices on Perceived Employee Performance: An Empirical Study. Global Management Journal, 3(1/2), 37-43.

In his exploratory research which was followed by causal study, Tiwari (2011) sought to determine the impact of selected human resource management practices on the perceived performance of employees is a number of cement-making corporations. Primary data was gathered using a quantitative, closed-ended questionnaire which was based upon 5 point scale. The researcher obtained secondary data from online databases such as EBSCOhost, Emerald, as well as from printed journals and magazines. Suitable statistical tools and SPSS software were utilized in data analysis. The researcher conducted an extensive review of existing literature on the subject matter. The findings demonstrated that human resource management practices affect employees’ level of performance. Implementation of sound human resource management practices brings about effective management of human resources. The researcher found out that human resource management practices help in increasing employees’ performance (Tiwari, 2011).

Effects of Human RM Practices on Employee Performance References

Hamzah, M. A., Osman, D., & Edris, H. M. (2014). The effect of human resources management practices on employee performance. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 3(9): 129-133

Shaukat, H., Ashraf, N., & Ghafoor, S. (2015). Impact of human resource management on employee performance. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 23(2): 329-338. DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2015.23.02.22117

Tiwari, P. (2011). Impact of Selected HRM Practices on Perceived Employee Performance: An Empirical Study. Global Management Journal, 3(1/2), 37-43.

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