Evaluation of Books for Babies or Toddlers

Evaluation of Books for Babies or Toddlers 1. Create a table/chart that includes the following information about each book: book’s title, author, publication year, and a brief summary of the book’s content.
2. Choose 3 books from your list and explain how they explore/relate to familiar life experiences.

Evaluation of Books for Babies or Toddlers
Evaluation of Books for Babies or Toddlers

3. Choose 3 books from your list and give specific examples of how each book uses illustrations. Are the illustrations clear?
Uncluttered? Distracting?
4. Choose 3 books from your list and discuss how each book is constructed. Have the books been constructed to ensure durability
5. Provide examples from 3 books on your list to assess whether the authors of the books use clear, natural language. Use direct quotes and explain whether the writing style is suitable for a young child.
6. Choose 3 books from you list and discuss whether they have predictable stories? Give 3 specific examples to support your
7. Give examples of humor from at least 3 books. Is the humor age-appropriate?
8. Choose 3 books from your list that offer opportunities for participation and interaction. Give specific examples from each
book to support your answer.
9. Which books on your list do you think would best hold a child’s attention? Describe at least 3 attention-getting
strategies from your list of books.
10. Assign each book a grade (A, B, C, D, or F) and defend your rationale for each grade.

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