Family Nurse Practitioner in Diabetes Mellitus

Family Nurse Practitioner in Diabetes Mellitus Order Instructions: The writer must clearly respond to all 5 questions using paragraphs to clearly show each response for all the 5 questions.

Family Nurse Practitioner in Diabetes Mellitus
Family Nurse Practitioner in Diabetes Mellitus

In-text citation is required for all part of the paper as it will be used to support the points the writer is making here.
The writer will take into consideration that the specialty area is Family Nurse Practitioner, and all response must be taken into consideration regarding that specialty. Also, the writer must not use any article older than 5 years as this is an evidence based practice course meaning all information must be current. The writer must continuously support the facts with peer review articles using in-text citations throughout the entire paper. The writer will follow the must clearly respond to these two questions “The problem addressed in this EBP proposal is…
and also “The goal (or purpose) of this EBP proposal is to…
why at the same time responding to all other questions in the order.

Step 1: Assess the Need for Practice Change
During this week’s paper, you will focus on “Step 1: Assessing the Need for Practice Change. “
Building on work done in the clinical practicum setting this week, and looking toward work with the Evidence Based Practice (EBP), address these questions:
1. What have you identified as opportunities for improvement in the practicum?
2. What is your clinical problem?
Give a one-sentence problem statement.
The problem addressed in this EBP proposal is…
3. What possible interventions may help solve the problem?
4. What are the critical outcome indicators?
5. What is your specific goal for the EBP?
Give a one-sentence goal (purpose) statement:
The goal (or purpose) of this EBP proposal is to…

Family Nurse Practitioner in Diabetes Mellitus Sample Answer

My experiences during the practicum have been very informative about the various aspects expected of me as a nurse. However, during the exercise, I observed that Diabetes Type 2 patients somewhat lack support on ways to manage this chronic disorder. I interacted with one of them, who narrated her experiences of how the healthcare facility does not empower her enough to understand effective strategies to manage Diabetes Type 2.  This is true as the advice-giving technique used in this healthcare facility assumes that patient must change their behaviour and they want to change behaviour. This method completely undermine autonomy and  generated resistance and have failed to work in most cases as most  fails to consider what is or not important to the patient. I feel obliged to discuss this issue, as the comfort of the patient in all three states of life i.e. physical, mental and spiritual is vital so as to sustain quality delivery of care.

Diabetes is a challenging disorder because the care regimen is usually complex.  Despite the fact that patients with good self-care have excellent glyemic control, most of the patients do not achieve proper glycemic control and as a result, they suffer associated health complications. The healthcare providers understand that through proper education, the patients could avoid the increased diabetes- related complications (American Diabetes Association, 2013). Generally, the evidence based practice indicate that diabetes regimen as a multidimensional as adherence in one component is usually unrelated to the adherence of the other regimen.  Therefore, with proper education of the patients diagnosed with type II diabetes (Ahmad Ali, 2014).

The clinical problem that will be addressed in the EBP is establishing strategies that will ensure proper education on ways to manage their health complication among Type 2 diabetes patients. The proposed effective interventions is the application of teach back method in enhancing effective behavioural interventions is recommended. This education strategy helps the healthcare provider understand how, why, and when the patient fails to engage in optimal diabetes self-management practices. This assessment is very important as it shapes the care plan by identifying strategies that could fail if specific regimen are not understood or dealt with effectively as part of the intervention. This is because in some cases, the disease related knowledge could be lacking, or in other cases the patients could be having negative attitudes and health beliefs that hinder effective care. There could be environmental or even psychological barriers. The use of teach back  education model helps in screening of these potential problems, and offers comprehensive training  on  the appropriate therapies  and medication is achieved (Kirk et al., 2011).

The critical outcomes expected include improved and valuable mentoring of the type 2 diabetes patients and improved patient satisfaction. This will translate into lower hospital associated health complications. This is because the peer support of the nurses will ensure the delivery of quality care (Al-Akour et al., 2011).

The goal of this EBP proposal is to understand the impact of proper education of patients with Type II diabetes in promoting quality care management regimen.

Family Nurse Practitioner in Diabetes Mellitus References

Ahmad Ali, S. (2014). The Role of Educational Level in Glycemic Control among Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus. Int J Health Sci (Qassim).; 8(2): 177–187. PMCID: PMC4166990

Akour N A., Khader  YS., Alaoui AM. (2011). Glycemic Control and Its Determinants among Patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Attending a Teaching Hospital. J Diabetes Metab;2:4.

American Diabetes Association. (2013). Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes. Diabetes care. 2013 Jan;3(supplements 1)

Kirk JK., Davis Stephen W, Hildebrandt, C A., Strachan EN., Peechara M L., Lord, R. (2011). Characteristics Associated With Glycemic Control Among Family Medicine Patients With Type 2 Diabetes. NCMJ. 11;72(5)

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