Frameworks to Analyze Global Business Operations

Frameworks to Analyze Global Business Operations Order Instructions: Assignment Objective: #1 Compare and contrast frameworks to analyze global business operations.

Frameworks to Analyze Global Business Operations
Frameworks to Analyze Global Business Operations

Assignment Purpose: To display researching skills and to determine key components listed in a companies mission and vision statement.

Conduct an Internet search on Johnson & Johnson’s vision statement and mission statement and evaluate the statements. Do these statements contain the key components? Does the firm’s apparent strategy reflect their mission and vision? How do the firm’s values reflect the vision, mission, and strategy?

Frameworks to Analyze Global Business Operations Sample Answer

Vision statement

Boerema (2016) defines an effective vision statement as one that is future-oriented in that it should show what the organization intends to achieve in the future. Johnson and Johnson intend to expand its operations in the future so that it can serve more and more people. Being a non-profit organization, it does not seek to expand operations so that it can earn more profit. On the contrary, it intends to promote the health of the largest portion of the world. An effective vision statement communicates the values and beliefs of the organization. The vision statement lacks any propositions of a well-financed future. Instead, the organization envisions a future where everyone is healthy. That communicates that the organization is dedicated to its endeavors of promoting the health of the community (Boerema, 2016). Thus, the vision statement of Johnson and Johnson contains the necessary elements, thus, rendering it effective.

Frameworks to Analyze Global Business Operations Mission Statement

Johnson and Johnson mission statement is clear, succinct and focused in its assertions. Khasawneh (2011) posits that a mission statement plays the role of guiding the efforts of the members of the organization. In any organization, the goals of the workforce and those of the organization needs to be in line. If that cannot be achieved, there is a possibility that there will be a lack of commitment in the organization’s endeavors. The workers will prioritize their objectives over those of the organization. A clear mission will form targets for the workers aligning their priorities with those of the company. The mission statement should also provide the company brand’s persona (Khasawneh, 2011). It should showcase the organization’s personality. Johnson and Johnson’s mission statement showcases the expectations of the organization concerning the services that it provides. It endeavors to provide quality services to boost customer experience.

Does the firm’s apparent strategy reflect their mission and vision?

Johnson and Johnson is an organization that uses the Earthwards® approach which explains how the organization addresses the social and environmental issues that surround their products (Kezar & Gehrke, 2016). The approach demands that each of their products contain a footprint that can range from being an energy footprint to the materials used in the packaging of the product. That increases the accountability of the organization since they will take responsibility for any issue that their products will cause. That corresponds with the organization’s vision and mission statement. The organization is committed to its endeavors of promoting health. Thus, whenever their products prove to be harmful in any way, this strategy will ensure that they take full responsibility. The approach also ensures that the organization adheres to the environmental standards. It ensures that the organization uses packaging that is environmental friendly ensuring that the organization promotes its health vision.

How do the firm’s values reflect the vision, mission, and strategy?

One of the values of Johnson and Johnson is honesty which is an essential value. That is especially because the organization is a non-profit organization. With honesty, it is easier to persuade the general public and governments to forward grants. Honesty increases accountability in the organization and goes hand in hand with the vision and mission statement of the organization (Kezar & Gehrke, 2016). Since the organization seeks to produce quality products, it has in place the Earthwards® approach which enhances the accountability of the systems in the organization. The approach requires that the organization embraces compliance as a strategy which demands that Johnson and Johnson’s company adheres to the social and environmental rules of production. The vision and mission statement, as well as the strategy of the organization all, accentuate the value of honesty.

Frameworks to Analyze Global Business Operations References

Boerema, A. J. (2006). An Analysis of Private School Mission Statements. Peabody Journal Of Education (0161956X), 81(1), 180-202. doi:10.1207/S15327930pje8101_8

Kezar, A., & Gehrke, S. (2016). Faculty Composition in Four-Year Institutions: The Role of Pressures, Values, and Organizational Processes in Academic Decision-Making. Journal Of Higher Education, 87(3), 390-419.

Khasawneh, S. (2011). Learning Organization Disciplines in Higher Education Institutions: An Approach to Human Resource Development in Jordan. Innovative Higher Education, 36(4), 273-285. doi:10.1007/s10755-010-9170-8

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