Health Policy and Scope of Practice

Health Policy and Scope of Practice Order Instructions: For this paper, it comes in two sections the and each section will have a reference list at the end of that section, all in APA format.

Health Policy and Scope of Practice
Health Policy and Scope of Practice

The responses must be clear and detail straight to the point. For section B I will upload the file mentioned in the question in the file section.

SECTION A (1.5-page minimum).

Health Policy and Scope of Practice

Describe a current health policy issue relative to the scope of practice for the role of the NP that is important to you. Appraise the implications of this policy and analyze where the policy issue is in the policy-making process.

Included a reference list at the end of this section hear before starting section B below, it should have a minimum of 4 references for this

SECTION B (1.5 pages minimum)

Health and Wellness Promotion and the NP

A focus on Health and Wellness Promotion is increasingly pertinent in U.S. Health care systems. Review the National Prevention Strategy: America’s Plan for Better Health and Wellness (, 2011) attached hear with the questions.

• After you are finished reading, justify the role of the NP as a leader in Health and Wellness Promotion in your paper.
Include a reference list at the end of this section, it should have a minimum of 5 references for this section.

Health Policy and Scope of Practice Resources

Please review the following web resources:

• ANA – Code of Ethics for Nurses
• NCCAM, National Institutes of Health
• The Role of Ethnicity in Variability in Response to Drugs: Focus on Clinical Pharmacology Studies (2008)
• U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice
• U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – The Data Bank: National Practitioner Healthcare Integrity and Protection (n.d.)
• U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – Office of Minority Health
• MayoClinic Proceedings – Religious Involvement, Spirituality, and Medicine: Implications for Clinical Practice
• – National Prevention, Health Promotion and Public Health Council – The National Prevention Strategy: America’s Plan for Better Health and Wellness
• U.S. DHHS, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Healthy People
• Dossey, B. (2008). Theory of Integral Nursing. Advances in Nursing Science. 31 (1), pp. E52–E73 Wolters Kluwer Health.

Health Policy and Scope of Practice Sample Answer

Part 1

Effective advocacy begins with a comprehension of the key issues and positions that influence nursing practitioner practice. The scope of the health practice laws is meant to rethink the role played by nurse practitioners. There is a variety of current health policy issues relative to the scope of practice for the role of the NP. One of the current health policy issues in health workforce shortages. There is a perfect storm of unmet health care needs that is rapidly approaching: for instance, the patient numbers of aged people with health-related issues is reaching intolerable levels, as a consequence of the retirement of a large cohort of professionals. Currently, the situation is such that the number of professional students that are meant to fill these positions is simply not enough to meet the oncoming health service demands. The result is ultimately an impending shortage in the workforce in proportions that cannot have precedence. This policy is important to me and is relative to the scope of NP since NPs are the valuable members of the healthcare system who serve in the capacity of primary care providers in the broad range of outpatient and acute settings (NP Policy Essentials, 2014).

The implications of this policy issue are, of course, the need for nurses. The US has a serious shortage of nurses in the health practice, and the recruitment of more nursing professionals is one part of the solution. Additional teaching professionals are required to deal with the issue from the root. There is a report referred to as “blowing open the Bottleneck” which is a report that was initiated by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Center to spearhead  Nursing in America and the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, which basically provides an outline of the solutions whose initiation is underway as a response to the shortages in the nursing faculty across the United States (, 2014). This report further presents the “frontline healthcare workforce” comprising of technicians, nurses, assistant nurse, and other providers involved with the healthcare profession, which it describes as the foundation of a quality system of healthcare delivery. The analysis of the report indicates that the frontline health workforce demand is expected to face a 50 percent increase in shortages to the faculty staff in the next half-decade, and the government is strategizing to ensure that the number of students in the “pipeline” is enough or will reasonably deal with this impending eventuality. Therefore, the workforce shortage policy issue is merely in the planning and implementation stage (, 2014).

Health Policy and Scope of Practice References (2014) Retrieved November 26, 2014, from

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NP Policy Essentials. (n.d.). Retrieved November 26, 2014, from

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The scope of Practice Laws in Health Care: Rethinking the Role of Nurse Practitioners. (n.d.). Retrieved November 26, 2014, from

Part 2

America’s Plan for Better Health and Wellness (, 2011) is a national prevention strategy that aims at guiding the US in the most achievable and effective means of improving wellbeing and health. This is a strategy that prioritizes the prevention through the integration of actions and recommendations across the wide realms of health improvement to save lives. The strategy brought forth envisions a strategy oriented to prevention where the sector network as one recognizes the value of health for families, individuals, and the community and hence join forces to achieve health outcomes that are better for Americans.  The role of Nursing Practice will, therefore, be the foci of the implementation of this strategy (Anderson & McFarlane, 2013).

The role of the Nursing Practice as a leader in health and wellness promotion cannot be stated enough in the national prevention strategy. This is because NP encompasses all the dimensions of the prevention strategy as it interweaves into all aspects of the citizen’s lives, from how to where people live, work, learn and play. The NP, therefore, covers everyone included in the strategy from businesses, government, educators, communities, healthcare institutions, and every single American. The NP has a central role in the implementation of this strategy to create a healthier nation (Andrews et al., 2012).

In fact, the Nursing Practice is the backbone of this comprehensive plan and will be fundamental in achieving the target of increasing the number of healthy Americans in all life stages. NP will actively be involved in actions to help Americans stay fit and healthy (Anderson & McFarlane, 2011). They will do this by helping in the building of safe and healthy community environments, expanding quality preventive services in both community and clinical settings, empowering people to make healthy decisions and eliminating health disparities with assistance from the government (American Nurses Association (ANA), 2012). They will, therefore, be involved in a wide and broad effort for the promotion of wellness and health hence settling the overarching objective of the national prevention strategy in increases the number of healthy Americans in all stages of life. It is only through the nursing practice that evidence-based recommendations that are significant in the improvement of the nation’s health will be achieved since the NP will be actively engaged in the achievement of the strategic directions that are outlined in the strategy (Andrews, 2013). Through the implementation of health policy enrichment programs, the Nursing Practice will mitigate the policies and issues that affect providers and patients as well as they provide services in the various levels in the various different levels of the American society (Aronson et al, 2012a).

Health Policy and Scope of Practice References

American Nurses Association (ANA) (2012). Public health nursing: Scope and standards of practice. Washington, DC: American Nurses Publishing.

Anderson, E. T., & McFarlane, J. (2013). The community as a partner: Theory and practice in nursing (6th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health / Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Anderson, N.L.R., Calvillo, E.R., & Fongwa, M.N. (2012). Community-based approaches to strengthen cultural competency in nursing education and practice. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 18(1-S), 49s-59s.

Andrews, J. O., Bentley, G., Crawford, S., Pretlow, L. & Tingen, M. S. (2013). Using community-based participatory research to develop a culturally sensitive smoking cessation intervention with public housing neighborhoods. Ethnicity and Disease, 17(2), 331-337.

Aronson, R.E., Wallis, A.B., O’Campo, P.J., Whitehead, T.L., & Schafer, P. (20012a). Ethnographically informed community evaluation: A framework and approach for evaluating community-based initiatives. Maternal Child Health Journal, 11(2), 97-109.

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