HR and Managers HR Policy Implementation

HR and Managers HR Policy Implementation Order Instructions: Focus on ways in which HR leaders and line managers must work together to effectively implement HR policy

HR and Managers HR Policy Implementation
HR and Managers HR Policy Implementation

HR and Managers HR Policy Implementation Sample Answer


It is imperative in every organization for line managers and human resource managers to work closely and in tandem. This is because both of these parties have a similar end goal which is the achievement of projected goals of the organization. In working together, their jobs become somewhat intertwined so that they are able to harmonize all the functions that fall in both their departments. Further, line managers gain proficiency in some of the functions of human resources (Boxal 2015). This means that they can take up some of the functions which allow human resource managers to concentrate on strategic human resource management. There are various ways in which human resources managers and line managers can work together. This discussion explores some of the possible ways.

HR and Managers HR Policy Implementation and Staffing of Various Departments

This is one area of collaboration that line and human resource managers can work together. Ideally, the role of staffing rests with human resource managers. However, the input of line managers is required so that they may select personnel with the right skills and experience for the job (Carbery 2013). The two managers must work in hand in hand and use their expertise to ensure that the candidates recruited are fit for the receptive position.


Focusing on the future of an organization encompasses laying down well down strategies. This cannot be done by line managers solely although the duty lies more on them. The input of HR Managers comes in handy very often. This is because the key determinant to the success of any organization is its employees. As such, the two managers must strategize to see how best they can improve their workforce, leading to the success of the organization (Burke 2016).

Resolution of Workplace Conflict

Once in a while, the occurrence of conflict at the workplace is likely. The conflict may be among employees or between an employee and a senior member of staff. All matters regarding employee welfare ought to be referred to the human resource manager Mello 2014. However, when conflicts arise, line managers must work together with human resources managers to resolve the dispute. This is because line managers know the employees working under them better than the HR manager (Armstrong 2010). As such, line managers can offer some advice to the HR manager which could help to quickly and amicably resolve the conflict.

Employee Performance

For employees to keep up with expected performance and productivity, it is imperative that they are taken through training from time to time. This helps to increase their knowledge and experience making them more resourceful. The human resource department takes up the role of organizing employee training and development forums. However, they need the input and help of line managers. Every line managers are well aware of the knowledge and information gaps that exist in their department (Ulrich 2013). They, therefore, play a crucial role in helping HR managers in organizing relevant training sessions.

HR and Managers HR Policy Implementation Conclusion

In most organizations, various departments tend to run independently. However, it has come to the realization of scholars that in order for optimal performance in organizations to be achieved, interlink is crucial. Departments within an organization are more of a life cycle where each organ of the body requires all others so as to function.  Although the HR and the line managers can choose to work independently, best results are achieved when both work harmoniously and in tandem.

HR and Managers HR Policy Implementation Bibliography

Armstrong, M, 2010, a handbook of human resource management practice, New York: Kogan     Publishers.

Boxal, P, 2015, Strategy and human resource management. California: California University        Press

Burke, R. 2016, corporate reputation: Managing opportunities and threats, California: CRC          Press.

Carbery, R, 2013, Human resource management: a concise introduction, London: Palgrave           Macmillan.

Mello, J, 2014, Strategic human resource management, London: Sage

Ulrich, D, 2013, delivering results: A new mandate for human resource professionals, London:     Sage.

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