HR Policys Contribution to Business Performance Order Instructions: HR policy’s contribution to business performance
In this essay, you continue your examination of methods for assessing and communicating about the contribution of HR policy to business performance. Use this opportunity to share with your classmate’s questions, alternative perspectives, challenges and proposals for overcoming challenges that might have value across organizational contexts.
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sharing ideas about the ways in which HR leaders can investigate and communicate about the linkages between HR policy and business performance that could be useful across a range of workplace contexts.
Proposing ways in which HR leaders and line managers can work together to assess the impact of HR policies and practices on business performance.
o Providing an alternative perspective on the challenges HR leaders would face, in general, or in specific organizations, and ways of overcoming those challenges.
o Asking probing questions to learn more about other people views, such as their experiences with evaluating specific HR policies
HR Policys Contribution to Business Performance Sample Answer
Ideologies on How HR Leaders Can Communicate the Link between HR Policy and Business Performance
In sharing insights on how HR policies are directly linked to the business strategies of an organization, it is vital to consider that the domains are primarily moderated by the cost, quality, and innovative strategies of an organization. On the other hand, the motivation to perform within an organization as detailed is likely to be associated with by with the inclusion of an efficient managerial style and organizational culture (John & Sue 2007, pp.5). In other words, it is essential to note that the impact of the leader’s policies on the performance of an organization is linked by the attitudes, skills and behaviors of the employees within an organization.
This indicates the rationale behind the implementation of efficient HR practices which can impact higher performances within an organization. On the other hand, significance should be noted in the three HRM policy domains that include motivation, ability and opportunity in impacting the performance of organizations business outcomes that involve the competencies and corporation of employees (Jenkins, & Delbridge, 2013, pp.2790). This intrinsically initiates an impact on the attitudes of employees, an element that motivates them to get committed within their organizations.
Approaches HR Leaders and Line Managers Can Employ In Accessing the Impact of HR Policies on Business Performance
According to several literatures, the link between HRM and the performance of an organization has significantly neglected the roles of the managers and line managers yet these personnel’s are considered as important in the implementation of many HR practices within an organization (Jiang, Lepak, Han, Hong, Kim, & Winkler, 2012, pp. 78). It is therefore essential to determine the fact that the HR leaders and line managers can work together in the management of people through the inaction of HR practices and leadership behavior through a casual chain that seeks to integrate the relationship between an organizations performance and HRM policies and practices.
This is significant in the relationship between the HR leaders and line managers that is directed towards influencing the views of the employees through a supportive approach both at the functional practice level within the organization (Katou, & Budhwar, 2013, pp.30). On the other hand, HR leaders and the Line Managers are in a position to relate the levels of an organizations commitment and attitudes towards the activities of an organization. These practitioners are in a position to influence the exchange relationships developed between the employees within the organization, a factor that initiates commitment and motivation within an organization.
The Challenges that HR Leader Face and How to Overcome these Challenges
It is essential to determine that the element of change management remains a challenge for HR managers and leaders within an organization. However, through the inclusion of an intensified training, HR leaders are bound to add their competencies in dealing with the element of change management. Secondly, it is imperative to determine that leadership development is another challenge that HR leadership and managers face (MacLeod, & Clarke, 2011, pp.12).
Leadership development is however critical within an organizations strategy, a factor that denotes the challenges that HR leaders experience especially in providing processes, tools and essential structures in selecting and developing an organizations future leaders (Oke, Walumbwa, & Myers, 2012, pp.275). Leadership development can however be initiated through the development of a strategic initiative that ensures the right employees are hired, retained and the culture of an organization is in a position to support the performance of these employees.
Probing Questions in Evaluating Specific HR Policies
In determining the manners in which HR leaders can communicate the link between policy and business performance, a couple of questions came across that include:
- How can leaders effectively measure the impact of an organizations business performance through a link of its performance and the HR Policies?
- What are some of the approaches that can be initiated in ensuring that the employees of an organization are aligned to the HR policies and that these policies impact their performance?
HR Policys Contribution to Business Performance References
Jenkins, S. & Delbridge, R. 2013 “Context matters: examining ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ approaches to employee engagement in two workplaces” The International Journal of Human Resource Management 24 (14) pp. 2670-2691
Jiang, K., Lepak, D.P., Han, K., Hong, Y., Kim, A. & Winkler, A. 2012 ‘Clarifying the construct of human resource systems: relating human resource management to employee performance’, Human Resource Management Review, 22 (2), pp.73-85.
John Purcell & Sue Hutchinson 2007 “Front-line managers as agents in the HRM-performance Causal chain: theory, analysis, and evidence. University of Bath Human Resource Management Journal, Vol 17, no 1, 2007, pages 3–20
Katou, A.A. & Budhwar, P.A. 2013 ‘Causal relationship between HRM policies and Organisational performance: evidence from the Greek manufacturing sector’, European Management Journal, 28 (1), pp.25-39
MacLeod, D. & Clarke, N. 2011 ‘Engaging for success: enhancing performance. Through employee engagement’ [Online]. Available from: (Accessed:10 October 2015).
Oke, A., Walumbwa, F.O. & Myers, A. 2012 ‘Innovation strategy, human resource policy, and firms’ revenue growth: the roles of environmental uncertainty and innovation performance’, Decision Sciences, 43 (2), pp.273-302.