Interpretation of CBT and Physiotherapeutic Approaches
Man are disturbed not by things which happen, but by the opinions about the things… (Epictetus, 1877/2004, p. 3) This is a quote from Epictetus in first-century Greece. His writings were representative of the Stoic movement. This form of philosophy believed that reason could overcome basic instincts and emotions. A modern-day analogy to expand on this view would be to consider a victim rescued from a house fire. The victim subsequently experiences post-traumatic stress, and although many firefighters experience post-traumatic stress, the firefighter that rescued the victim does not. Interpret these statements from a CBT perspective and one other psychotherapeutic approach of your choice. Consider the above quote and example. Then explain how its interpretation may change when looking at it through the lens of CBT and one other psychotherapeutic approach of your choice. Support your response with examples and research citations. Support your Hand-in Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. Support your Hand-in Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. Please provide DOI’s. Please provide as many citations within the body of the work as possible.
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