Kurdistan Region of Iraq Constitution 2005

Kurdistan Region of Iraq Constitution 2005 It is my proposal should include a brief introduction, Methodology,

Kurdistan Region of Iraq Constitution 2005
Kurdistan Region of Iraq Constitution 2005

literature review, the significance of the statement, a clear statement, scope, and limitation, Theoretical Framework, related articles of the Iraqi constitution of 2005 with a list of bibliography include. My Topic is To What Extend the Kurdistan Region of Iraq was able to Practice its economic rights according to the Iraqi constitution of 2005 (2005-2011). Iraq’s 2005 Constitution recognizes an autonomous Kurdistan region in the north of the country, run by the Kurdistan Regional Government.
This was the outcome of decades of political and military efforts to secure self-rule by the Kurdish minority, who are estimated to number more than 6 million and makeup between 17% and 20% of the population of Iraq.

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