Modern Creative and Performing Arts Research

Modern Creative and Performing Arts Research Select a Native American or Indigenous art practice or artist that you are interested in researching, writing, and presenting

Modern Creative and Performing Arts Research
Modern Creative and Performing Arts Research

Topic proposal

Your AIS 560 class project involves two steps. First, you will select a Native American or Indigenous art

practice or artist that you are interested in researching, writing, and presenting about and submit a research paper topic proposal by midterm. Second, you will develop, write, and submit your research paper by the end of our university assigned final time. The following guidelines will outline the expectations you must fulfill throughout this three-step process.


The first step in your final project is to select a Native American or Indigenous art practice or artist that you are interested in researching, presenting on, and writing about. You are free to choose an art practice or artist from any discipline discussed in class or relevant to your major or career path. You may present on an individual or you may consider presenting on films, bands, exhibits, or other collective efforts.

Once you have selected your topic, you will write a 500 to 750 word, double-spaced proposal explaining the following:

  1. Who or what will you be researching, presenting, and writing about?
  2. Explain, in your own words, why it is important to examine your topic as a part of understanding

Native American and Indigenous modern creative performing arts.

  1. Describe the relevance of this topic to your own life and/or future career.
  2. Include a sample bibliography (minimum of three sources) that outlines what resources you plan to use in researching and writing your paper. Format your bibliography according to the Chicago Manual of Style Author-Date System.

The word count requirement of 500 to 750 words, and address all four points listed above in a clear and succinct fashion.

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