National Popular Vote Movement Essay Paper

National Popular Vote Movement Essay Paper The U.S. Constitution stipulates that Electors will vote for the office of President and Vice President, what we commonly refer to as the Electoral College.

National Popular Vote Movement Essay Paper
National Popular Vote Movement Essay Paper

Two times in the 21st century the candidate with the most popular votes across the United States has not won the most votes in the Electoral College, hence losing the election. Some activists and scholars are arguing that a democratic system of government requires that majority rules; therefore, the candidate for President who receives the most popular votes should win the election. Further, there is a proposal to bypass the Electoral College without having to amend the Constitution (which is basically impossible).

Explore the strategy of the National Popular Vote movement at this website:

Compare the way in which we elect Presidents in our current system to the proposal of the National Popular Vote movement. Which method is superior? Explain your answer.

Writing Guidelines:

4-5 double-spaced pages of text

Write in complete sentences and paragraphs. Bullet points or lists will not be accepted.

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