Philosophy Center Discuss Plato and Aristotle

Philosophy Center Discuss Plato and Aristotle In writing your essay please refer to the course outline – KEY POINTS TO KEEP IN MIND WHILE WRITING YOUR ESSAYS. Also please seek the help of the Philosophy Center (FOB 231).

Philosophy Center Discuss Plato and Aristotle
Philosophy Center Discuss Plato and Aristotle

Choose and discuss an issue from ONE of the questions below.

  1. Does a world of forms exist separate from the world of concrete, individual things? Explain whether it really exists, and why. Discuss Plato (Chap 3), Aristotle (Chap 4), and your views on this subject.
  2. What is real? Is reality ultimately dualistic or materialistic or idealistic or other? Consider these possibilities and elaborate on a philosopher’s position and your own. Chap 6.
  3. Is knowledge possible or is skepticism a sound argument? What do you mean by knowledge? Does it have to be absolutely certain? Are there grades of knowledge (certainty, justified true belief)? Consider and elaborate on a philosopher’s position and your own. Various Chapters.
  4. Discuss some of the themes in 20th-century existentialism. Do you believe traditional philosophy is sterile? Is the world absurd and irrational? Can one make sense of the world and how does one choose to live in a world which some existentialists believe is absurd and irrational? Chap 8.

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