Policy Brief Public Health Issue Brief Summary Select a public health issue and write policy brief that provides a brief summary of the issue, options to solve the issue, and the best way to solve this issue. Select a public health issue from one of the following American Public Health Association websites: Climate Change (https://www.apha.org/topics-and-issues/climate-change) or Topics and Issues (https://www.apha.org/topics-and-issues).

Follow this outline when writing the policy brief: Identify an issue. Background information – (a) Population effected; (b) Local, state or national level; and (c) Evidence about the issues supported by resources Problem statement. Suggestions for addressing the issue (solutions) – (a) Including necessary stakeholders (government officials, administrator); and (b) Include budget or funding considerations, if applicable Impact on the Health Care Delivery System Include three peer-reviewed sources and two other sources to support the policy brief.