Preventing Discrimination in All Aspects of Employment

Preventing Discrimination in All Aspects of Employment Title VII is written to prevent discrimination in all aspects of employment, including:

Preventing Discrimination in All Aspects of Employment
Preventing Discrimination in All Aspects of Employment

Hiring and firing

Compensation, assignment, or classification of employees

Transfer, promotion, layoff, or recall

Job advertisements and recruitment


Retirement plans, leave, and benefits

Other terms and conditions of employment.

Of the topics on the above list, select one of interest. Then, find at least three scholarly articles that discuss this topic.

Next, in a 3 to 5-page paper, discuss the following three topics in order using the prescribed section headers in bold.

Section 1—Overview of Discrimination and the Law. In this section, (1) provide a brief overview of the area of discrimination you selected, and (2) specify what the law limits in terms of conduct or action by the employer.

Section 2—Why Discrimination in the Workplace Exists. In this section, explain why discrimination continues to be an issue despite the laws against it.

Section 3—Employer Action to Reduce Discrimination. In this section, (1) discuss a minimum of two additional laws, training programs, or other proactive strategies that you believe would further reduce instances of discrimination related to the topic you selected, and (2) defend with research and/or strong rationale and examples why you believe these actions would be successful.

Preventing Discrimination in All Aspects of Employment Additional requirements

A minimum of three scholarly/peer-reviewed references must be included. (Do not include blogs, Wikis, or anonymous sources, for example.)

Properly format your paper utilizing APA guidelines and formatting, according to APA

The paper must be a minimum of three full pages, not including the title page or references.


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