Role of Entrepreneurship in the Economic Development

Role of Entrepreneurship in the Economic Development Investigative Studies Report Structure:

Role of Entrepreneurship in the Economic Development
Role of Entrepreneurship in the Economic Development

The project should be 4,500 – 5,000 words in length (excluding quotations and footnotes).
The structure of the report could be in the following general format:

Role of Entrepreneurship in the Economic Development Introduction

In this section, the writer is expected to identify and describe the question given, the resources that they intend to research in order to gain a greater
understanding and knowledge of the question topic.
Main Body of Report
In this section, the witter should demonstrate the depth and breadth of their critical literature research indicating the main arguments and debates
surrounding topic using secondary headings: Remembering that it is on this literature research that any final answer provided for the question chosen will
depend (see 3 below). Also, all sources must be referenced properly in this section and fully referenced in the bibliography.
Reference should also be made to the ideological/political perspectives of the various academic sources that you find in your research.
An answer to Research Question
In this section, you should provide an answer to your chosen question based on the review of the literature above taking into account any possible
ideological/political bias it may contain. Your arguments in forming an answer must be supported by the arguments found in your literature research.

Role of Entrepreneurship in the Economic Development Conclusions

In this section, you need to pull the whole Report together by providing a brief statement of what you have done to arrive at your final answer.
Extra bits and bobs
Bibliography/Reference List
Glossary of terms
Word count (Sum of words from 1.Introduction to 4. Conclusions)

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