Smoking Addiction and Biopsychology of Emotions

Smoking Addiction and Biopsychology of Emotions or on the Addiction and Cessation
Application: Paper on Smoking Addiction and Cessation or on the Biopsychology of Emotions
For this week’s Assignment, you select one of the topics below and synthesize the research related to the topic.

Smoking Addiction and Biopsychology of Emotions
Smoking Addiction and Biopsychology of Emotions

The first topic asks you to examine smoking addiction and cessation. The second topic asks you to evaluate the biopsychology of emotions.
The Assignment:
Select one of the topics below and write a 10-page paper. Use the current literature to support your paper. Cite at least ten peer-reviewed references in APA style. Smoking Addiction and cessation using the Walden Library research at least ten articles related to smoking addiction and smoking cessation. Explain the potential effects of smoking addiction on appetite, stress, and health. Also explain how smoking cessation affects appetite, stress, and health. Biopsychology of Emotions: Using the Walden Library research at least ten articles related to the facial feedback hypothesis of emotional experience. Synthesize the research related to the facial feedback hypothesis. Critique the studies and propose a potential study to enhance research in this area.

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